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What is Hypnobirthing?

Many hypnobirthing teachers start off apologising for the term ‘hypno' birthing, as it is a little misleading and can be off-putting. I’m afraid I’m no different! Hypnobirthing doesn’t mean you’ll be in a hypnotic trance, but the techniques you practice in your pregnancy and on the day of your labour and birth will help to keep you focused, calm and in control. This in turn will give your labour the best chance to progress, by allowing the right hormones to be in charge and fuel your labour.


‘Hypnobirthing’ is a process of letting go of preconceptions, tensions, anxieties and fear around labour and birth, allowing you to approach this wonderful life event – no matter the context – feeling calm, confident, and knowledgeable about the process. The hypnobirthing techniques help you to reframe any conscious or subconscious negative preconceptions you may have around childbirth and manage each surge and stage on the big day. This helps you to feel positive, in control and prepared for any twists and turns you may encounter.


What does hypnobirthing involve?


A few minutes a day of antenatal practice with the hypnobirthing toolkit:

  • Relaxation audios

  • Positive affirmation audios and print outs

  • Breathing techniques

  • Visualisations

It's a really relaxing way to spend a few minutes and connect with your baby. The positive messages in the audios, plus your practice of breathing and visualisations, become very familiar and second nature. Then on the day or your labour and birth, you do all of this again, with the support of your birth partner and midwife. You are calm, prepared and in control, giving your labour the best chance to progress.


Who can use hypnobirthing?


Anyone and everyone! Hypnobirthing is largely associated with vaginal deliveries, which is great, but it is useful in all birth contexts for keeping you relaxed and allowing the positive hormones to flow. In fact, hypnobirthing can be particularly useful if women are met with special circumstances and changes of plan. It also doesn't matter whether you're a first time mum or you're expecting your 10th, women can improve their experience with hypnobirthing techniques at any stage.


Women have used hypnobirthing techniques in the following contexts, and more:

  • First time mums or experienced mums

  • Vaginal deliveries, in water or on land

  • Induced and augmented labours

  • Instrumental deliveries

  • Caesareans, planned and unplanned

  • Straight forward pregnancies

  • Pregnancies with special circumstances

  • With or without additional pain relief


What does the hypnobirthing course cover?


The hypnobirthing part of the course covers everything you need to learn to 'hypnobirth' and fill you with confidence, including:

  • The history of hypnobirthing

  • The logic behind hypnobirthing techniques

  • How the mind works

  • How other mammals give birth, and what we can learn from them

  • The nervous system and the hormones of labour and birth

  • What can get in the way and how to avoid it

  • How to practice the techniques antenatally

  • How to practice the techniques during labour and birth


What does the hypnobirthing course include?


  • Private tuition over Zoom - usually 2 hours

  • 11 relaxation / positive affirmation audios

  • Printed and digital birth affirmations

  • Printed and digital course materials


Additional in-depth antenatal education:


I provide additional, evidence-based antenatal education, which can be tailored to you. The combination of hypnobirthing techniques and a firm understanding of the labour and birth process can make a real, positive difference to your birth experience. Check out the course options, or feel free to get in touch.


Can my birth partner(s) attend?


Absolutely! They're very welcome and encouraged to attend the class(es). A birth partner who is onboard with the hypnobirthing techniques and very familiar with your birth preferences is a real asset during labour and birth.


"The combination of the hypnobirthing techniques and antenatal education prepared me really well for labour. I understood straight away what was being offered and felt able to ask for things to be done in a particular way. A staff member later asked my husband if I'd been hypnobirthing as I was so calm."

Clare - Full Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Education









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