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What is hypnobirthing?

There's a longer explanation here, but briefly: it's about adopting a positive mental attitude towards labour and birth, using 4 techniques antenatally and during labour to feel calm and confident and let your body do what it's designed to do. This in turn helps the release of good hormones which help the labour along, and suppress adrenaline which can slow things down.


When should I start hypnobirthing and antenatal classes?

There are no rules and it's your choice. Many people start their classes at the beginning of the 3rd trimester (from 27 weeks) as this is commonly the point when they start thinking more about antenatal education and labour, but before or after is very common and absolutely fine! There is no 'cut off' - some women don't start their course until near the end of their pregnancy. Although a bit of time to practice the hypnobirthing techniques antenatally is beneficial, the course alone can help to positively reframe labour and birth and ease anxieties.


Can I use hypnobirthing if this isn't my first baby?

Yes, definitely! Whether it's your first or 10th baby, hypnobirthing techniques can benefit anyone. Many women find hypnobirthing after they've already had children, seeking to improve their next labour and birth.


Can I use hypnobirthing if I have any 'special circumstances', such as a medical condition, or have been recommended induction of labour, caesarean and so on?

Yes! Although hypnobirthing tends to have associations with straightforward vaginal births (which is great) it can help in all birth contexts. Many women have used it with inductions, obstetric care, caesareans, assisted deliveries and so on. The focus is on being relaxed and positive which can only be a good thing.


Can my partner / birthing partner attend the class(es)?

Yes absolutely! There is no pressure for them to, but they're encouraged to join. A well informed birth partner who is aware of and onboard with your birth preferences is a real asset during labour.


Are the courses private?

Yes, it'll be just the me (Rachel), you and your birth partner, or whoever you'd like to join. This is so we can personalise the course as much as possible to your individual circumstances and preferences and you can ask as many questions as you like!


What does 'evidence-based' antenatal education mean?

In healthcare, guidelines, protocols and recommendations tend to be based on the best research available at the time. The conclusions of good quality research studies, or a 'systematic review' of all available studies on a particular topic, forms the 'evidence' which tends to influence healthcare practice. As a midwife I'm up to date with research, guidelines and protocols, so during my antenatal classes I'm able to explain the statistics and rationale behind recommended care plans, procedures and so on, which can then enable you to make the best decisions for your individual circumstances.


Can I choose a different date and / or times to those on the booking calendar?

Please get in touch via the contact form, WhatsApp or email - - and we can discuss alternative dates and times.


Where are the classes based?

They're delivered via Zoom so you can be in the comfort of your own home and be COVID-19 safe. I am based in Havering, Essex. If you are local and would prefer to be face-to-face please get in touch.


How long are the classes?

Each session lasts for 2 hours and, depending on the course, may be a single session or two or four sessions long.

Hypnobirthing Course - 1 session (2 hours)

Pick and Mix Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Education - 2 sessionsm (2 x 2 hours)

Full Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Education - 4 sessions (4 x 2 hours)

Check out course availability here.


What is the cancellation policy?

Cancellation with full refund is possible up to 1 month before the course start date.





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